Monday, June 18, 2007

Trivandrum - The experience was Fantastic to say the Least!!!!!!!!!!

The 12 days @ trivandrum was fantastic..... When i first landed there, was taken aback by the beauty but then on reaching the hostel, was disappointed by the accomodation..... after doing MBA air conditioner has become a necessity more than a luxury... just couldn't imagine staying without it. First time staying away from home and u enter ur room, all that u cud find there was just 2 beds with a fan and a mirror.... i just couldn't believe how TCS could do this...but then to compensate for all this came my Great Lakes People.... the group of 17...they were just wonderful to say the least... We havent spoken to each other during the college days except for an "HI".... but here, everyone of us got along as group so well that we had loads of fun...those evening shuttle and TT and Midnight GD's are just unforgettable..... i am already missing it so much.... wish the training could have been longer..... but every good thing has to end to start again sometime now my day 1 at real work is starting tomorrow..... letz c wat TCS in chennai has got in store for me.....